Eser Açıklaması

In prehistoric times, people believed that the souls of deceased people were received by a soul-gathering being. That it cannot be a fantasy to imagine souls in the collector's bag; that the fact that he was the commissioner would make a commissioner absolute: "God."

Did He need a staff member to do such work? Or was it an attitude of "Am I going to do everything?" After all, after the death of every concrete being, does not the soul or substance within it pass into another reality? Did someone have to follow up? Everything he saw around him had to be initiated by a force, and he attached this template to everything he saw or thought. When he tripped over, he thought he had done something wrong. When he had nightmares, he thought something wanted to hurt him. He felt decent in good dreams: fruitful if their business opens... And he thought someone was doing all of this. The people who thought their business was open were the ones who sat in their shop and didn't advertise anything. Those who had bad dreams had traumas; so do those who dream well... When he tripped over the road, the road was rough and he was careless. It was just one of humanity's lethargic behaviors. He was so lethargic; Even when he died, someone had to come and pick him up.


  • Araç Kuru Boya, Mürekkep, Spray Boya
  • Materyal Kağıt
  • Eser Orijinallik Durumu Özgün
  • Konu Soyut ve gerçek olmayan
  • İmza İmzalı
  • Çerçeve Çerçevesiz
  • Tarz Soyut, Sürrealizm
  • Renk Bej, Beyaz, Gri, Kahverengi, Nude, Pembe, Sarı, Siyah
  • Rozet Asmaya hazır, Sadece sanatyapıyo'da
  • Yapım Yeri İstanbul
  • Yapım Yılı 2023

Yüzer Başlıklar

Aykut Demirel

Kuru Boya / Mürekkep

30 x 21


En kısa sürede size dönüş sağlayacağız.

Mesaj eklemek isterseniz buraya tıklayın.

*Cevap vermemiz genellikle 24 saatten daha kısa sürer.
Ortalama 2 iş gününde kargoda
Ücretsiz 14 gün iade
Özgünlük belgesi ile birlikte gönderilir.

Eser Açıklaması

In prehistoric times, people believed that the souls of deceased people were received by a soul-gathering being. That it cannot be a fantasy to imagine souls in the collector's bag; that the fact that he was the commissioner would make a commissioner absolute: "God."

Did He need a staff member to do such work? Or was it an attitude of "Am I going to do everything?" After all, after the death of every concrete being, does not the soul or substance within it pass into another reality? Did someone have to follow up? Everything he saw around him had to be initiated by a force, and he attached this template to everything he saw or thought. When he tripped over, he thought he had done something wrong. When he had nightmares, he thought something wanted to hurt him. He felt decent in good dreams: fruitful if their business opens... And he thought someone was doing all of this. The people who thought their business was open were the ones who sat in their shop and didn't advertise anything. Those who had bad dreams had traumas; so do those who dream well... When he tripped over the road, the road was rough and he was careless. It was just one of humanity's lethargic behaviors. He was so lethargic; Even when he died, someone had to come and pick him up.


  • Araç Kuru Boya, Mürekkep, Spray Boya
  • Materyal Kağıt
  • Eser Orijinallik Durumu Özgün
  • Konu Soyut ve gerçek olmayan
  • İmza İmzalı
  • Çerçeve Çerçevesiz
  • Tarz Soyut, Sürrealizm
  • Renk Bej, Beyaz, Gri, Kahverengi, Nude, Pembe, Sarı, Siyah
  • Rozet Asmaya hazır, Sadece sanatyapıyo'da
  • Yapım Yeri İstanbul
  • Yapım Yılı 2023

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